"Loaded" Fishing Lure


Plastic tube ....................... jbGizmo $0.25 each or plant store (they are used to start seedlings)
Treble hook....................... Tackle shop or sporting goods store
Paper clip........................... Office supply store
Small piece of wood........... Dowel rod from lumber yard or any small piece of wood
Beads................................. Hobby store or old costume jewelry
Aluminum............................ Cut from beverage can


1. Drill a small whole in the base of the plastic test tube. The hole should be twice the diameter of the wire or paper clip used in step 4. If the tube is longer than desired then cut to length.
2. Using sandpaper or a wood rasp shape a small piece of wood to the shape of a "nosecone" as shown. Insure that it fits snugly into the open end of the test tube.. Also, drill a whole through the piece as shown.
3. Cut a propeller shape from a piece of beverage can. Drill a hole in the middle as shown..
4. Straighten a large paper clip and insert through the beads, propeller, nosecone, and test tube as shown.
5. Attach the treble hook to the paper clip by bending a "loop" as shown. Also, form a "loop" at the other end for attachment to the fishing line. Note: THE LENGTH OF THE WIRE RUNNING THROUGH THE LURE MUST BE 1 INCH LONGER THAN THE ASSEMBLED LURE. This is necessary so that the lure can be separated enough to "load" the bait mixture into the tube.

Bait recipes:

1. Mix clear Karo syrup with silver glitter
2. Cottage cheese and vanilla extract
3. Puree beef or chicken liver
4. tropical fish food
6 aspirin or Alka Seltzer

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Copyright ©1996, Jerry Baumeister
Revised - 5-26-96